
A set of over 50 casual objects you can use in your game or app
A set of over 50 casual objects you can use in your game or app
A set of over 50 casual objects you can use in your game or app
GameMaker asset for creating and cutting polygons
Make any game with this mechanic in GMS2
Unique puzzle game where you control the environment in order to hit all the goal markers with lasers.
Create custom color palettes with ease
Rosette and Words is a crossword game puzzle where you must find words in a board full of letter tiles.
Colorful procedural garden
Make small images using Genetic Algorithm
Run in browser
Learn how to create such game or experiment with a gameplay
Simple Ragdolls for your game
Easy House Ads - all you need to display your own cross promotion ads
Mobile Character Selection object for mobile games.
Complete Minesweeper engine for Game Maker: Studio
This is a script that will create array containing colors from the Material Design Color Palette.
Physics based game engine with fake 3D look
Simulate realistic water/liquid in your game
Complete game engine of the 10x10 board puzzle game
Create blood/paintball splashes in your game
This is a complete Mahjong Game Engine.
With this asset you can create two Sierpinski Fractals
A real-time plasma effect written entirely in GML.
This is a sprite based GML keyboard
N-body simulation using verlet integration
Warping grid for your games
This asset will help you with scaling games on mobile devices
Two fast scripts for making convex polygons or spirals from arbitrary set of points
Handy tool for time management
Light and Shadows engine for Game Maker: Studio
Test blend modes in Game Maker: Studio
Complete match 3 engine for Game Maker: Studio


GAME Engines (for GameMaker Studio)

Game Maker Studio Assets